Emotional Freedom Blog is about EFT(Emotional Freedom Technique) which is used to easily and painlessly relieve many issues from cigarette and food cravings to chronic backache and freedom from stress and phobias. You can also find here info and videos about other techniques which will help you to achieve EMOTIONAL FREEDOM and HAPPINESS

Monday, June 11, 2007

Your Creative Power Increases with Trust

By: Peri Coeurtney Enkin

Most of us have faulty ideas of what it takes to create our dreams. We live under the illusion that we need to push, strain and struggle in order for our desires to move from fantasy into reality. This could not be further from the truth. Let us talk about what is really involved when it comes to creating your life your way. And let me give you two simple processes that you can start right now to invite the creative forces of the universe to work for you.

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