What is EFT?
The short and simple answer is “EFT is psychological version of acupuncture” where no needles are used. It is practice based on the 5000 year old proven Chinese principles of the Meridian energy system, sometimes known as Chi, Qi or Prana.
Meridians are 14 micro electro-magnetic pathways that run throughout the body. During the treatment someone can sit and lightly think about his or her problem. At the same time the therapist gently ‘taps on easily located but very specific and powerful upper body pressure points.
The EFT technique is used to easily and painlessly relieve many issues from cigarette and food cravings to chronic backache.
Emotional Freedom Blog is about EFT(Emotional Freedom Technique) which is used to easily and painlessly relieve many issues from cigarette and food cravings to chronic backache and freedom from stress and phobias. You can also find here info and videos about other techniques which will help you to achieve EMOTIONAL FREEDOM and HAPPINESS
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
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