Emotional Freedom Blog is about EFT(Emotional Freedom Technique) which is used to easily and painlessly relieve many issues from cigarette and food cravings to chronic backache and freedom from stress and phobias. You can also find here info and videos about other techniques which will help you to achieve EMOTIONAL FREEDOM and HAPPINESS
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Discover How to Achieve Your Dreams
Friday, September 28, 2007
Stop Smoking Patch
The Nicocure patch utilizes a proprietary herbal formula that rids your body's need for nicotine. These patches work quickly on a day-to-day basis, allowing the formula to penetrate your skin and move directly into your bloodstream. Nicocure is fast-acting, eliminating your cravings in 30 days or less. Our patches have proven successful for an amazing 97 percent of the people who have used them, which allows us to offer you a money-back guarantee on Nicocure.
Are There Side Effects? Our all-natural patches do not cause any side effects. You may experience dizziness or nausea if you smoke while wearing the patch However, the formula used in Nicocure makes the taste of tobacco products unpleasant, so cheating isn't usually a problem! If you have questions or health concerns, you should contact a medical professional before starting the program.
Nicocure patches give smokers the chance for freedom from addiction. Even if you have tried every other product on the market and failed to quit, Nicocure's proprietary herbal blend can help you succeed. Within one month's time, you can resume your life as a non-smoker, and you can stay that way for good!
For more information visit: Quit Smoking Site
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Cigarette Smoking Responsible for 1 of 5 Deaths
Cigarette smoking has been identified as the number one preventable cause of morbidity and premature mortality worldwide. Smoking is responsible for approximately one in five deaths in the United States. From 1997 to 2001, smoking killed an estimated 438,000 people in the United States each year. This includes an estimated 259,494 male and 178,404 female deaths annually. Among adults, the three leading specific causes of smoking attributable deaths were from lung cancer (123,836), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (90,582) and ischemic heart disease (86,801).
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Annual Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Years of Potential Life Lost, and Productivity Losses * U.S., 1997-2001. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) 2005; 54(25); 625-628.
These statistics alone ought to be reason enough to warrant strong tobacco control laws such as cigarette tax increases and increased funding for tobacco prevention programs, but every year new studies show that the harmful effects of smoking not only effect the smoker, but also the workers and general public exposed to secondhand smoke.
This website is home to the online version of State Legislated Actions on Tobacco Issues (SLATI), which tracks state tobacco control laws, such as state restrictions on smoking in public places and workplaces and state tobacco taxes, on an ongoing basis. It is the only resource of its kind in tobacco control today providing up-to-date information on tobacco control laws in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. You can learn more about SLATI here.
Below is a list of just some of the reports and information on tobacco control laws and policy found on this site. Please explore the various areas and learn how to get involved in the important fight for strong tobacco control laws and policies. As many of the inspirational people who are living with lung disease will tell you, it’s a fight we cannot afford to lose.
For more information visit: Quit SmokingTuesday, August 7, 2007
How Does the Law of Attraction Work?
The Law of Attraction is becoming more and more known by more and more people. The biggest reason for this is probably the popularity of the movie “The Secret” which has been seen by lots of people.
The movie is the great introduction to the knowledge of the Law of Attraction, but unfortunately there is a lot of misunderstanding about how the Law of Attraction works. Many people think that they must think about what they want, visualize it and that their thoughts influence the energy and what they want will manifest.
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Your Thoughts Have the Power to Attract

If you start analyzing the things around you, you will come to the conclusion that everything is energy. The whole Universe is made of energy. This energy manifests in different ways and it is moving and constantly changing with different speeds.
If you look at living things, they are created, they grow, they produce other living things, they decline and ultimately they die. But actually nothing is really created. The energy always exists. Something that “existed” changed into something that “is” now. The energy is the same.
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Saturday, July 28, 2007
The Law of Karma and Manifestation

Have you heard about the Law of Karma? It’s the Law of Cause and Effect. The law states that for every cause there is an effect and for every effect there is a cause.
As we know from physics there is and equal and opposite reaction for every action. So whatever you do, it will come back to you. If you “send” good you will receive good reactions, and if you “send” bad you will receive bad reactions. Good creates good and bad creates bad.
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Emotional Freedom by Meditation
Click here to read Manifestation and Meditation"
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Manifestation Masters
Apart of learning of the above I found also that because of Manifestation Portal instead of having to endlessly surf the internet to find the best of the best in effective self-improvement, I can find audios, videos, documentaries, pdf’s, articles, and even computer software: all designed to easily improve my finances, health, figure, business, attitude and even love life, in one place.
I have been visiting this site for several months now and I am fascinated with the easy, sensible and even logical approaches to getting what you want. It’s amazing, but so many things that I have been taught will make us successful and happy, are actually just the opposite of what we need to do to be emotionally, physically and financially successful.
Give this site a try. What have you got to lose, except your repetitively negative and non-productive thoughts? Learn to think about and concentrate on the right things….and new doors will easily open. I'm really impressed with what this site offers. If you want to improve your life in any way go to Manifrestation Portal
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Acupuncture - The Ancient Tradition Behind EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques
By Ananga SivyerEmotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a healing tool based on the theory that our emotions and physical symptoms are linked to the underlying energy system of the body. That energy system is the acupuncture meridian system known to the Chinese for thousands of years.
EFT was developed by Stanford Engineer Gary Craig, who discovered the basic theory in 1991 and continues to this day to develop and improve on EFT applications.
The underpinning theory of EFT is simple, yet sheds a whole new light on our emotional experiences and how we interpret them.
Gary Craig's EFT discovery statement asserts that: "The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." He believes that "our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases."
How Does EFT Work?
Chinese Medicine and the ancient Indian Science of Ayurveda both support the concept that our emotional experiences, in particular resentments, hurts and anger, contribute significantly to the development of disease in the human body.
While the EFT theory that all negative emotions are caused by a disruption in the energy system of the body may sound odd at first, the idea is far from new. In fact, it's 5,000 years old and was more recently enforced by Albert Einstein who taught that everything is made of energy.The reason EFT works so well is purely because it embraces the secrets of Eastern healing traditions that have been overlooked by the west.
Acupuncture is finally attracting interest, and research has been conducted to try and figure out how and why it works. Yet that research will always seek to put acupuncture in a box that makes sense to what conforms in the West. The impressive results of acupuncture have been called a placebo effect, when, in truth, they are due to an ancient understanding of meridian energy circuitry which runs throughout all living creatures.EFT & Acupuncture
In acupuncture, points are carefully selected by practitioners trained to read the maps of the meridian system. EFT is based on a select few of these potent points known to excel in giving emotional and physical relief to anyone who simply learns where they are and how to use them. EFT doesn't require expert knowledge, or the use of needles, the points are simply stimulated by tapping on them with the fingertips.
We need only look to the fact that in China hundreds of people every day undergo heart surgery using nothing but acupuncture for anaesthesia, to realise that anything based on the solid healing foundation that acupuncture has to offer is worth exploring further.
Gary Craig developed EFT as an incredibly user friendly access point to the benefits of acupuncture and the healing potential latent within us all to deal with our physical and emotional pain. EFT’s track record for relieving negative emotions, anxiety and trauma has earned it the descriptive title of “acupuncture for the emotions, but without the needles.”
The EFT Challenge
There's an old saying that we should judge a tree by its fruits. The fruits of EFT can be quickly and easily tasted by learning the basics and setting EFT to work on dissolving any negative emotion. EFT takes just 5 minutes to learn, and then you can put it to the test of your own direct experience.
Ananga Sivyer is a health writer with a passion for helping people feel positive and in control of thier lives.
Learn how you can stop worrying and start living at http://www.emotionalfreedomforyou.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ananga_Sivyer
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Law Of Attraction
Over 247 Techniques For Achieving Your Goals
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The Additional Secret of The Movie The Secret

The past few years, with an absolute peak in 2006 as the movie 'The Secret' was exposed to hundreds of thousands, an ever growing number of people is slowly waking up to the knowledge that there may just be more to life than the often robot-like existence of daily routines they lead. With movies (or rather documentaries) like "The Secret" and 'What the Bleep Do We Know'....Continue with Article
Friday, June 15, 2007
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique

Monday, June 11, 2007
Your Creative Power Increases with Trust

Most of us have faulty ideas of what it takes to create our dreams. We live under the illusion that we need to push, strain and struggle in order for our desires to move from fantasy into reality. This could not be further from the truth. Let us talk about what is really involved when it comes to creating your life your way. And let me give you two simple processes that you can start right now to invite the creative forces of the universe to work for you.
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Sunday, June 10, 2007

"Don't get your hopes up"
That is about the most pathetic and disempowering advice there is. Is there any other phrase in the English language that can deflate your dreams and discourage your aspirations as quickly as "Don't get your hopes up"?
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
The Great Descent Video - Free from Fear
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for Anxiety
Sunday, June 3, 2007
How to use EFT: Part 2
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Carol Tuttle - Using EFT to clear your limiting beliefs and stress about money

Monday, May 28, 2007
Freedom from Fears and Phobias
Charles F. Haanel defines fear as “…a powerful form of thought”. I think it is a very good definition, because mostly fear is in our minds. Phobia is abnormal fear. We are often afraid of things which we have no reason to be afraid of. This is because most of the fears and phobias are only the creations of our minds.
For example some people are afraid of flying. Why? Probably because they have heard about some plane crashes and that all of the people died in those accidents. Of course plane accidents do happen, and usually all of the people who are in such accidents die. But the same people who are afraid of flying are usually not afraid of traveling in cars and on buses. Cars accidents cause many more deaths than airplane accidents. The probability of dieing in the car accident is much higher than in plane accident. Flying is the safest way of traveling. So, why people are afraid of flying? Like with most phobias the reason is that they do not control their minds.
When we listen about different tragedies and unhappy news, a subconscious mind accepts everything which comes from a conscious mind. The subconscious mind is a creator, it makes things happen, but it does not have the power to differentiate between what is good and bad for us. The conscious mind has the power to differentiate, but most of the people often do not use this power.
So, when you listen to different news or stories and your conscious mind accepts the news and makes a fearful picture of the situation. Maybe even you or your loved ones are in this picture. If the feeling of fear is there and it gets to your subconscious mind, it gets deeply rooted in your sub consciousness and it will be very difficult to get rid of that fear.
Of course there are some techniques to get rid of different fears and phobias. But first you should be careful to not allow any fears or phobias to get to our subconscious mind. Avoid dwelling on any pessimistic and negative feelings. Try to cultivate positive feelings. Be optimistic. Even if you are not happy at the moment, thinking about your unhappiness will not make you feel better. It will make you feel worse.
Think about something that would make you happy, about something you want very much. Close your eyes. Try to visualize yourself in a happy situation, in your perfect environment. Think of the reasons why you want what you want. See yourself as already possessing what you want. Try to really feel it. Let the feeling excites you. Hold on that feeling.
If you do that you cannot feel unhappy. It might be difficult at first, but if you practice often it will become easy and natural for you. You will not only feel better but you will start attracting the things you really want. And by concentrating on positive feelings and by being charged with positive energy you will become immune to any fears and phobias. You will start manifesting the life you want. Now you are what you thought mostly about in the past. Do not allow your negative thoughts to create the unhappy future for you.
To learn how to manifest life you want, go to ManifestWealthMentor.com
Monday, May 21, 2007
How to use EFT: Part 1
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique
The short and simple answer is “EFT is psychological version of acupuncture” where no needles are used. It is practice based on the 5000 year old proven Chinese principles of the Meridian energy system, sometimes known as Chi, Qi or Prana.
Meridians are 14 micro electro-magnetic pathways that run throughout the body. During the treatment someone can sit and lightly think about his or her problem. At the same time the therapist gently ‘taps on easily located but very specific and powerful upper body pressure points.
The EFT technique is used to easily and painlessly relieve many issues from cigarette and food cravings to chronic backache.